Everyone loves a competition, so why not pit book-against-book in a competition for the best book of the summer? This simple, ongoing activity will have your child reading, writing, and thinking critically all while having fun!
It's a simple setup with great results. After your child reads a book, he writes a simple review. We even have a template for you! Click here to print the full document. If your child is stuck on what to write, ask him to summarize the book for you, which may trigger his memory. If he is consistently having a hard time remembering, it might be a sign that the reading material is too advanced and isn't being comprehended. Read with him to see if you need to help choose more appropriate material.
Next, have your child fill out the tally sheet (download and print here) using the rating he gave the book in his review. Make sure your child writes the ranking in pencil, as it will change as you review more books.
You can use a three-hole punch to keep all the reviews in a binder with the tally sheet on the cover for quick reference. It will be great physical proof of your child's reading accomplishments during the summer.